The art and musings of Illinois artist C.C. Godar. Paintings, photos & ponderings...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Blustery Blue Day

No pictures today...I'm feeling blue. It's about 70 degrees out, but the wind is roaring so fiercely, I'm afraid to be outside for fear of falling limbs crashing down on me. You would seriously need a construction worker's hard hat to be out on a day like today. Not pleasant!

I makes me think about all those people who lost their homes (and some, their lives) in this past weekend's tornado outbreak down south. A couple Christmases ago we rented a cabin in southern Illinois, and the only town of any size where we could get some food on Christmas Eve, to fix for Christmas dinner, was Harrison, Illinois. It's hard to imagine that the town basically no longer exists anymore.  And Branson, Missouri, where we vacationed several times, was hit really hard too.

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