The art and musings of Illinois artist C.C. Godar. Paintings, photos & ponderings...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Market Day

This isn't a very clear picture, so when I take a new, better one, I'll replace it.

This is a sculpture I made in Leslie Stalter's 3-D Design class.  It's called "Market Day" because I think it looks like an African village woman going to market with a basket on her head.

The assignment was to take an object and re-interpret it any way we liked. I used small cardboard circles that they put pizzas on before they place them in the to-go boxes. My friend Tonia, at Leo's Pizza gave me a stack of them --- and I cut them down into ever smaller and smaller circles, and then stacked and glued them together. Next I poked black peppercorns and black beans into the holes along the edges of the corrugated cardboard. The object I was re-interpreting was this pepper-mill.


  1. I want a bigger picture!
    That is so cool!

  2. I'll let you know when I get a better one to post! I want you to be able to see the outside surface texture of the piece with the peppercorns and black beans.

  3. These are cool pictures. It made your blog more interesting to read.

    study art abroad
