The art and musings of Illinois artist C.C. Godar. Paintings, photos & ponderings...

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Hollyhocks are a favorite childhood memory of mine. My grandmother grew them in her backyard, and we would pull off blossoms to play with, because they resembled little dolls with hoop-skirts when you turned them upside down. This year I plan to start some growing in my garden, because they come back year after year.

1 comment:

  1. I have great childhood hollyhock memories too. They take me back to,idyllic summers in Woodson with cousins and aunts; the sounds of crickets and frogs. Snapping beans on Jean's back porch. Pony rides. Aunt Phyllis's apple pie.......mmmmmmmmm....... Good luck with yours this summer!
