The art and musings of Illinois artist C.C. Godar. Paintings, photos & ponderings...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The End of Fall

No photo today, my friends.  Just a general complaint about the weather. It's too cold for me to venture out and try to find photo-worthy subjects. It feels like winter already, but the winter solstice isn't for another week and a half.

Unless it snows, winter in Illinois wears drab grays and browns. It's hard on an artist's eyes to be surrounded by only semi-monochromatic trees, to be deprived of the colors one craves. Where did all those greens go?  And the fall colors seemed to be here today, gone tomorrow.

Winter is the time for me to stay indoors where it's warm --- and color my world with my paints.  I'm trying to finish a half-done painting that I gave up on a couple years ago.  It started out as a watercolor on illustration board, but it just wasn't happening. I liked the velvety texture and I may leave it in the background, but now I'm turning to acrylics to see if I can finish this thing up. It has potential...

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean.....sigh........ enjoying the rare and beautiful BLUE in today's sky though!!
