The art and musings of Illinois artist C.C. Godar. Paintings, photos & ponderings...

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Tisket - A Tasket

I took this photo of my husband last night and roared with laughter when I got back into the house and saw it on my computer.  
     I was sitting, unnoticed, in the shade as my husband walked from the house out to the garden. I took nine shots of him as he came across the yard. Suddenly he saw me and grinned in surprise in this, my next to the last, shot. 
     At first glance, it looks like he's happily carrying a white basket out to the garden. But look closer.  The basket is actually sitting on the table and his arm, swinging forward as he walked, intersected with it at just the right split second to make it look like he was carrying it. We laughed our butts off when we saw the picture, but he'd probably kick my butt into the next county if he knew I'd put the photo on my blog!

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