The art and musings of Illinois artist C.C. Godar. Paintings, photos & ponderings...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

It's Hard to Be a Boomer

Photo courtesy  Thanks, Jon!
 Besides being April Fool’s Day, today is BOOMER BONUS DAY for everyone over 50.  “Baby Boomers” is the generation made up of the approx- imately 79 million babies born between 1946 and 1964. World War 2 was over, our boys were coming home, getting married, getting jobs and starting families.

by C.C. Godar

Your hair's falling out ...maybe some teeth as well.
You forget where you put that box of old photos.
Those clothes you loved no longer fit.
Some of your friends may have passed on too.
Memories fade and the old bones ache...
It's hard to find the enthusiasm for much any more,
and you sure dread another birthday rolling 'round.

Today's your day to CELEBRATE!
Don't regret growing older.  
It's a privilege denied to many.
Keep a twinkle in your wrinkle, 
and never forget, you're always 
the same age inside anyway!

To all my Boomer friends out there, 
this beautiful song's for you:

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