The art and musings of Illinois artist C.C. Godar. Paintings, photos & ponderings...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Christmas Commission

paint an old, old tin as a Christmas gift for a man's wife. He had the thing already prepped & primed, so I gave it two base coats of folksy blue.

What most people don't understand is that artists need time to mull a project for a while, then paint like the dickens, get almost finished, and then they need some time to mull it over again, before the finish. This can (and usually does) cause me to work slow anyway.  So getting the tin on the 12th and having it done less than two weeks later was a real push for me --- but I did it! The man seemed pleased with it.

2012  was a hard year on all of us, I think. This was my only commission all year, and I sold one other small painting. Without the support of my husband, I truly would be a starving artist.

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